Wednesday, April 11, 2007

As I was leaving a meeting today somebody commented to me how I always look so happy. I told him I think today it's more a delusional trance from lack of sleep since we had a rough night thanks to Noah teething, but still, that was nice to hear. They say you are what you wear - does a smile on my face count?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Noah at 20 months old

What Noah is up to these days:

- It's all about transportation. While trains are king Noah also loves buses, airplanes (are-pane), helicopters (hedi-dopter), trucks, cars (dars) and boats. His new thing is identifying whether it's a big or small one or calling it by it's color (aka red car). He knows mommy's car and daddy's car and can spot them in the parking lot.

- LOVES to create and tear apart train tracks. He knows the name of his favorite trains (Salty and 'Mom-as') and I have a feeling will be picking up the other ones very soon here as we watch at least one Thomas show a day.

- Animals come in a close second to transportation. Barnyard animals are so last month and he's kind of over those right now (I'm guessing because he already knows them all and what they say), so we've moved on to zoo animals. Noah can identify the rhino (hino), zebra (cebra), giraffe (er-af), elephant (el-funt), hippo (ippo), lion (wion), tiger (iger). He makes the cutest 'roar' noise for the tiger and lion.

- If he could, Noah would spend all day outside (ow-side). Since we don't have a yard we either play baseball in the alley or go for a walk up the sidewalk. Noah is getting quite good with his running skills and loves to practice by running up the sidewalk. All he needs to hear is "Ready, Set, Go" and he takes off running! While outside Noah also loves to help his daddy water the plants and clean the patio. I hope he gets his daddy's green thumb and not my black thumb!

- You'd never guess it by looking at him, but this kid can EAT!! Noah's favorite foods are peanut butter, cheese, rice, beans, enchiladas, avocado, crackers, watermelon and pasta. As of last week Noah has decided he once again loves veggies, which makes mommy very happy!

- Noah is counting to ten, although he tends to start with two.

- We couldn't ask for a more loving little guy. Noah not only gives us great hugs and kisses, but also likes to have his animals (stuffed and plastic) give each other kisses.

- Noah is doing very well with learning his colors. He can say and identify red, orange, yellow (ellow), green (geen), blue (bue), white and black.

- While Noah still loves Tigger and friends, he's opening up his circle these days to include Mickey (hot dog - from the song on his show) and Minnie Mouse, Elmo, Ernie (eenie), Burt, Grover (gover), Big Bird (beeeg bird) and Cookie Monster (dosen't say this one). We're taking Noah to see Sesame Street Live in June, he's going to love it! At least we hope!

- It seems like Noah learns something new everyday. He never ceases to amaze us with his happy-go-lucky attitude, huge amounts of energy, understanding of what's going on around him, love for not only people but animals, outgoing personality and overall good demeanor. We couldn't ask for a better little guy and wonder what we did right to get such an amazing little man.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


What a difference a year makes. Last year we didn't do anything for Noah for Easter as he was too small to get it. Ok, so he doesn't really get it this year, but he sure enjoyed digging into that Easter basket. While he enjoyed all the goodies in his basket, there's a close tie for his favorite toy between Harold the Helicopter (or as Noah says, hedi-dopter) and a small diecast LA city bus.

For the second year in a row we had Easter brunch at El Torito. So Mexican food doesn't really fit in with a traditional Easter meal, but it was good!

Pictures to come...

Friday, April 6, 2007

Fun with Stickers

In opening up the eggs from his school egg hunt Noah discovered stickers. He loves playing with the stickers has discovered a creative place to display them.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Trip to the Desert

We headed out the desert this weekend to check out Bobe and Zeide's new house and spend some time with the family. We had a great trip!

Noah had so much fun throwing rocks into the lake with Pa-pa.

I don't know who enjoyed it more - Noah or Grandpa!

We did some other fun stuff too...

Being goofy with Auntie Em

Showing us the new choo-choo Grandma brought him

Noah in his happy place playing with a train

Reading books in the tent with Daddy

With Uncle Jeremy after lunch at Stuft Pizza